I regularly see families walking out of the subway with full Primark bags. I see so many of them. So I went there, and, as I suspected, everything, but really everything, is made in Asia. I can’t recommend this brand. Primark: no go!  Buy second-hand or go elsewhere!

I wonder if the people who sew these clothes can afford them?

PRIMARK: no-go!


Here’s another brand that attracts a lot of young (and not-so-young) people. To make a long story short: everything comes from China except the food products. So unless you’re buying chocolate eggs or Dutch specialties, make a big detour!

Non food products from Hema are no-gos!

But you can buy the food. At least.

To be avoided.


Playful and creative toys

French design but Chinese product inside

Beautiful dream catcher for kids

…may cause Chinese nightmares

Girls will love that

I won’t

Djeco, no go!